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The HerSpectives® Blog by Deb Boelkes

Deb’s HerSpectives® Blog

Who will you be in 2023?

January 2023

As each New Year begins, many high achievers and aspiring leaders make resolutions and establish goals to guide their actions and achievements for the coming twelve months. So why is it, according to study after study, few people adhere to their New Year’s Resolutions? Why don’t people achieve their stated intentions?

At this time last year, I admitted in my year-opening blog post that I’m not keen on setting annual goals for myself. Instead, I deliberately stay nimble to conquer life’s biggest unforeseen challenges and opportunities as they arise. What’s most important to me is to know who I am and strive for continuous improvement every day to ensure I achieve my personal best by taking full advantage of my strong suits. This way, I achieve more than I otherwise might, stuck focused on an arbitrary list of used-to-be important goals.  

That said, I do have one big goal I intend to attain this year: publish my fourth book, Strong Suit: Leadership Success Secrets from Women on Top. Honestly, I had hoped to accomplish that in the quarter just ended. But sometimes things just aren’t solely within our control—like when writing and publishing a book that relies upon the input of numerous other important contributors. Delivering an end-product that will positively impact the lives of scores of others over the long term is far more important to me than meeting an arbitrary deadline.     

One chapter in Strong Suit is titled “Be Your Best at What Matters.” This is a philosophy I’ve lived by all throughout my life. The key is to really know who you are, and what really matters to you.  Many people are challenged to do that. Some are so dissatisfied with who they have been so far, they don’t even strive for a better tomorrow. While many may set annual goals, most give up when the harsh winds of change arise, as inevitably happens.

The good news is, if you’re not happy with who you’ve been, you can change—and there is no better time to do that than right now. The beginning of a brand-new year is the perfect time to take steps in a new direction. Simply decide who you really want to be in 2023 and go for it.

As I state in a chapter of Strong Suit titled “To Thine Own Brand Be True”:

You can—and sometimes should—alter your career path as new goals and opportunities present themselves. It’s also a good idea to develop yourself by learning and practicing new personal and professional skills. But there’s one thing you should never compromise on: your personal brand.

 “Personal brand” is somewhat of an umbrella term that might cover many different things—the values you live by, the traits and actions for which you want to be known, your areas of expertise, the things that motivate you, the way you treat other people, and your communication style can all be pillars of your brand. Unlike your reputation, which is earned over time and made up of other people’s opinions and perceptions, your personal brand is something you intentionally craft and allow to guide your actions. It represents how you want other people to see you.

 You must ask yourself some very important questions. In other words, be your own life coach:

  • Do you really want to be known as others have labeled you over the years?

  • If not, what do you want to be known for, deep in your heart?

  • What do you stand for?

  • What makes you unique?

  • What is your purpose in life?

  • What can and will you do to make the world a better place?

  • What are the things that you are uncompromisingly committed to?

  • What’s that one hill you would choose to die on rather than acquiesce and live in regret?

  • What misguided beliefs should you discard?

 As you can see, these are not simple Yes / No questions. They are deep, soul-searching questions that everyone should ponder from time to time, to ensure that we haven’t strayed off course along the way. Your answers should honor the person you really are, or strongly desire to become—not the person someone else has labelled you to be or thinks you should be.

 In 2023, three simple words will serve as my personal guiding stars: Gratitude, Attitude, and Latitude.

 Gratitude: I will more fully open my heart to appreciate the many blessings I am granted each day. I will more fully appreciate that today is not just another day—it’s the gift I have been given in this moment in time. I will be grateful for the unique beauty of this day and for the learning to be gained from every unique being I encounter.

 Attitude: I will choose a good one so that I may serve as a blessing to everyone I encounter. In doing so, I can enable others to appreciate the beauty and blessings of this moment more fully, too.  

 Latitude: Every day, I will give myself the freedom to step outside my comfort zone, take calculated risks, and learn from mistakes. When things don’t work out, I will reassess what’s most important now, and refine accordingly—to live a life without regret.

 That’s who I intend to be in 2023. While these three words may serve as my guiding stars, they may not be right for you. We each have our own unique gifts, care-abouts, desires, and opportunities for growth. You must determine the guiding stars that will most inspire you to become who you intend to be in 2023.

 Here’s wishing you much success on your journey to becoming the best you can be, doing and being what matters most to you in the coming year.  Don’t worry about the past. Don’t worry about what other people may think or say. Just focus on building the kind of future you desire, stand up for what you believe in, and do whatever you can to make your life, starting now, a life you will be proud of and grateful for.

 All my best wishes to you for a wonderful new year.   

Deb Boelkes