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Create a WOW Culture . . . Even in a Crisis

Coronavirus has upended workplaces everywhere, but that doesn't mean dropping the ball on culture-building efforts

by Deb Boelkes

I’ve built my career helping companies create cultures that “wow” their people — cultures where leaders motivate and inspire employees, fill them with purpose, challenge them and help them thrive. That’s all well and good in times of prosperity. But what about in times of fear and uncertainty? As the pandemic keeps employees remotely located, furloughed, and (in the cases of essential employees) working in fear, is it possible to keep a WOW culture going?

Absolutely. In fact, now is the time for culture-minded leaders to double-down on their efforts.

Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to maintain team cohesion and keep employees engaged and inspired. We’re all resetting right now. What you do now to shape your culture is likely to stick around once the crisis has passed.

No doubt about it: Great leaders drive the creation of great cultures. That’s why now is the perfect time to work on your leadership abilities and commit to lifelong learning.

The best leaders will be grateful for the chance to take their leadership skills to an entirely new level. They will use this time as a catalyst to test their mettle. They will leave their ego at the door and embrace our conundrum with humility.

Here are some things leaders can do right now to improve themselves while working to create a culture of WOW in these unprecedented times:

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Deb Boelkes